Simón Stoyanov Beltrán


End Game Screens

Training End Game Scene

When dying at the training scene, this screen will show up, letting the player know the time played, rounds, tie fighters destroyed and the total score, which is translated to 100 by the number of tie fighters destroyed.

Campaign Defeat/Victory End Game Scene

If the player dies or completes the game the campaign end game scene will be shown. The time played and turrets, tie fighters and generators destroyed will sum up their scores and print it in the Total Score text.

    Turrets --> 100 points
    Tie Fighters --> 200 points
    Generators --> 500 points

Weapons (video w/ sound)

Base Weapon

The base weapon increments its frequency if the weapon bar (the read bar) is incremented, and so it decreases it by decreading the weapon bar.
The damage remains the same, and it does not produce overheat.

Charged Weapon

The charged weapon has to be charged previously to shoot a laser with it.
To charged, the shoot button must be pressed; and when the player wants to shoot, released.
Its damage and size depend on the heat produced by the charge time. More charge means more damage, therefore more cooldown.



  • Stop(): Stops the timer, reseting and pausing it.
  • Managers

  • EndGameManager: Manager used to get the data of the game when completing the level or being defeated
  • LevelManager: Modified the dialogs to be shown at the expected time and playing the correct audio
  • Player

  • Shield: Made the regeneration of the shields to work as intended for the gold
  • Soft Boundaries: Worked with Guillem Dominguez on the Soft Boundaries
  • Weapons: Coded the intial behaviour of the weapons and the final behaviour of the charged weapon
  • AI

  • AI Path: Created the base for the AI path at the initial part of the project; later redone by Guillem Sunyer
  • Turret AI: Coded the Turrets of the campaign which move its head by 360º and its cannon between 0º and 60º in the forward direction
  • Other

  • Created a tool inside the engine to profile the times of each function
  • Audio System

    Wwise Implementation

    The engine has been implemented to use the soundbanks generated by wwise to play music.
    For that, events, states, soundbank reading, listeners and more have been adapted to the wwise guidelines.


  • Audio Source
  • Listener
  • Distorision zone (not used)
  • Audio Source

    With the Audio Source the developer can set any soundbank imported from wwise.
    The Audio Source contains a soundbank, which needs the proper events to be played.
    The engine reads the name of the events from the generated json and prints it into a list in the audio source component with three options: Play, Stop and Send.
    The Settings at the bottom part of the audio source are used to set the volume and pitch of the audio source. To work properly, the Volume and Pitch RTPCs must be created in wwise previously.

    Also, Resume and Pause are implemented in game, which are just events that must be played during the game when it is needed.


    The Listener uses its position to recieve the sound properly. Wiithout it no sound will be heard.
    If the sound emitter is at the right of the listener, the player will hear the sound from the right, and if it is on the left, it will sound on the left.

    Wwise implementations

  • RTPCs: To use RTPCs the engine needs the name of it and a value to send.
  • States: States are used to make the audio more dynamic. To use it, the developer need the group of the state and the name
  • Pause Event: When an event is paused it stops the audio, without resseting it. To resume the event the Resume Event has to be called
  • Resume Event: It resumes the event that has been paused
  • Play Event: Plays the selected audio/event
  • Stop Event: Stops the event, restarting it. Therefore, if the event is resumed it will start from the beggining
  • Send Event: The Send Event stores the event in a list for it to be played later
  • 2D position: The audio is heard anywhere since its not in the 3d world
  • 3d position: The audio is heard differently depending on the distance from the listener and its position.
  • Dub

    Akbar Intro 1

    Akbar Intro 2

    Akbar Attack 1

    Akbar Intro 3

    Intro Succes

    Enemies Interception

    Half Mission

    Win Dialog