Guillem Arman Janer

General Role

From the beginning of this project I have been working in the desing aspects of the game. I worked above all in the cockpit of the Slave I, apart of taking gameplay decisions and exploring the Star Wars world in order to enrich my decisions.

Not in Game

Initially, when the team was in Concept Discovey phase, the game was about being recruited by the imperium or the rebels, completing the mission and getting rewards at the end. The rewards were improvements for the Slave I.

As a desinger, I began exploring the different weapons that the Star Wars spaceships have in order to design the customization path that the player could follow. You can find more information in the GDD here.

- Weapons Design

- Customization

- Rewards

Here are some concepts and information that I did:

thumb thumb

In Game

I was in charge of designing and implementing the cockpit of the game. I was the responsible of the "mini" team for achieving the milestones in time. Two artists worked with me, a 3D modeler (Dani Garcia) & a 2D artist (Marc de Pedro).

I originally took the first cockpit we did, remove it, and create a new one. As it is a game for two players, the distribution of elements was very important. We wanted to get the feeling of different areas in the cockpit-> Weapons, Shields & Engine. For achieving that we used the colours for connecting the elements. Red is related with life (enemy and players), green with the engine such as the speed and maintainance, and blue with the shields. And after some iterations we add wires for helping the player to understand all the elements of the cockpit. In order to be innovative and be different from other games we took advantage of the top space with the back radar.

- Cockpit

- Design of the Cockpit

- Implementation

- Iteration


First & Last
