Andreu Sacasas Velázquez - 3D Artist

In this project I worked mostly on the Level Setting team, providing some of the assets needed to test the game while developing it.

Asteroid to test the ship controls

In the first sprint we needed some obstacle to test the movement of the ship and I was in charge of creating it, so I decided to make something simple to try as soon as possible the controls and give room to the team to calibrate them.


As the designers decided which ships we were going to use in the game, we (in the art team) distributed them between the 3D artists and started working on them. I had to do the model of the X-Wing, here you can see the result and, next to it, the explosion animation, that was not implemented in the final version of the game):

In the team we organized the first sprints with different people for models and for its textures, but later on the development we changed that workflow; the one who started a model had to do everything else on it, so only one person was to be responsible for that asset. The X-Wing needed a change on the textures and I had to update it, the image in the top is how it was and in the bottom how it ended.

Shield Gate

At first I had two different models for the Shield Gate, the only thing they had different was the middle part of the mesh shown in this images, after discussing it with the designers we ended up picking the second one. The image on the right is the first version of the ring, it has the texture of Asier.

From here on, I was responsable of keep updating the model and the textures until the final version. This are some changes that were applied to the model, including some experimentation with the textures.

The last update to the mesh was done to the beams in-between the rings, and besides that, all the following updates were changes on the texture.

TIE Fighter

I also did the TIE Fighter, here is the low-poly version of it and the final asset:

Shield Gate Turret

Lastly, I had to do the Turret for the Shield Gate.