Pau Bonet Vall Llebrera

Narrative and World Creation

On the early phases of the project I was the responsible of creating an Environment to set the Game arround, and give a plot to our adventure. Having Boba Fett as our main character we had to settle a battle between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. The first step was to create a planet to fight around as we decided that the all the dogfights would take place in the space. This planet is named Pynopera, the reason why this planet was so important was the Mandalorian Iron mines that it had on it,a material that was resistant to laser sabers and a recent discovery demonstrated that high quantities of this iron properly enriched and accelerated kinetically around a magnetic object could modify its rotation. Reduced to the basics, with this new discovery the Empire designed a weapon that using 12 big satellites around a planet that could be able to accelerate it towards a desired direction, a new weapon was threatening the galaxy again.


Dialogues & Environment

Before the game contents reduction, there were supposed to be 3 missions playable in both sides(Alliance & Empire), and an introductory history for each mission to put all the events in context. That's why I wrote 6 different dialogue scripts. A part from the introduction and end of the mission dialogues, I created phrases that would trigger with different events like:

  •   - Low HP
  •   - Mission CheckPoint achieved
  •   - Getting out of the fight limits

UI menus Design

Pause and Score menus needed to have a simple and self intuitive design to show the essential information.



As part of the design team I've been balancing AI values until Vertical Slice 3, and obviously testing every new release that came out during the whole development.