Daniel Garcia Ortega - Art

In this game I have been mostly working with the group of player gameplay in order to create a cockpit.

In game


The cockpit itself has gone through many iterations to define the shape and the content as shown below.


Progress gallery
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
Version 4
Version 5
Version 6
Version 7
Version 8
Version 9
Version 10
Version 11
Version 12
Version 13
Added details
More buttons and wires
Communicator detail
Final version

Not in game


This ship was meant to appear in the game as a ally/enemy according to the side that the player chose.

Slave 1

The Slave 1 model was created so that the players could customize their ship and see how it would be seen how it would change. This was scraped due to time limitations.


This ship was created as a proposal for the main ship. We discarded it when we decided to do a game with Boba Fett as the main character.


This model was made as a heavy ship from the Rebel side, this was discarded when we decided to focus on only having Imperial ships.