Eirini Tsarsitalidou - Art



The logos for the game were committed in the first two weeks of the Project III class and I created two of them, one with an RPG type of feeling and the other one with a more modern, typical look. I created these two logos using Photoshop.

Tie Fighter


The first version of the Tie Fighter that I created is a 3D model that has a lot of polygons and a big level of detail and that’s why it was dismissed and it is not the final build. I created this model using Cinema 4D and I made it following the blueprints of the Tie Fighter that I found online.

Tie Fighter II


The second version of the Tie Figter was created because it was needed to have less polygons and less LOD (Level Of Detail). It was also created with Cinema 4D and meant to be in the final build but it wasn't very appealing as a model and it didn't go in the build. The problem with the Tie Fighter models (both versions) was that the first one was very good in detail and that would slow down the game engine, and the second one was very low in detail and wasn't good enough to be in final build.



The Sentinel ship was created with Cinema 4D. I encountered a lot of problems while creating this model because the complexity of the basic structure is something that I hadn't tried to do before. The final result wasn't good enough to stand in the game and that's why it is not in the final build.

Star Destroyer


The Star Destroyer ship was made in Blender. That was the first time I worked with Blender, besides some tutorials I saw on Youtube and followed them. It was a little bit difficult in the beggining but when I understant the philosophy, the shortcuts and how the software is working it became easier.


This model is not in the final build because of time limitations in the implementation progress. I didn't encoutered any problems with it and the model is fully functional, something that was not possible with my previous models. I believe that using Blender was a great choice becasuse it seemed to help the other members of the team to process it in opposition with the other models I made.

Player Controls


The screens with the player controls were made with Photoshop and you see them when you start to play the game and also when you click on the Instructions. They give the player all the controls and hints he needs to know in order to play the game successfully.