Art Pipeline

This is the examination of the pipeline followed by the art team during the development of Slave One. The Pipeline followed is a very basic model of it, but with some small changes because the situation of the project. Thanks to these rules, production has been easier and faster, allowing a fair distribution of work between team members, automatisation of actions and procedures and making the workflow flexible to changes. thumb


In our process we have made disappear the part of the concept art. Thanks to the fact that the team is doing a game based on a very well stablished franchise, like Star Wars, we can take the ideas directly from the universe that has been already created. This makes the process way faster and easy, because we omit one of the hardest parts of the creative process, and we jump straight into the creation of the asset. The only thing we had to do is translate the references we have seen into our game. This hasn't been done just with 3D assets, but 2D assets, music and sound.

Some exceptions happened during the development, where we wanted to do something unseen in Star Wars. In those cases concept art was necessary in order to express the idea in a more visual way.

Creation of the asset

Due to the relative small amounts of assets we had to do at the beginning, one thing very important during the process has been the iterations. This means that sometimes we would have an artist coming back to an asset that was done previously just to improve it for the next milestone. Even in these cases the pipeline would be followed, making sure the review happens after the changes to the asset.


In order to get the asset implemented in the game, the asset must pass all the criteria acceptance. This document defines a series of rules that must be followed in order to submit an asset to the review. In case these criteria are meet, the asset is accepted to be reviewed. The review is done by the lead artist, to offer a more impartial opinion. In case of meeting all the criteria and gaining the approval of the lead artist, the asset is implemented in the game.