StarGames - David Franco

Art Leader

As the leader of the art department I was the responsible of making sure that all the team would work in harmony, and the quality of their work was good. I was also the person in charge of distributing the work and assign the milestones, and review anything the team would done to make sure it fits with the aesthetic of the game and reaches the quality asked. Finally, I was there to support all the members of the art department in case they would need help.


What would be Star Wars without the explosions?

I was the responsible of the particle art for the explosion, as well as the responsible in the template and prefab creation of them inside the engine. All the particles were done in 2D using Photoshop. In the game there are two types of explosion, normal ones, for the spaceships, and energy ones, for the shield generators.

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Other Particles

I also was the responsible of creating the rest of the particles inside the game. These are the space dust and the lasers. I did also some versions of fire particles, but they were never used in the game.

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2D art

Finally, I did some work in the 2D part of the project. I focused mainly in doing the art for the menus, and all its elements. I did aswell some small things for the UI, like the first iteration of the target or the crosshairs.

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Personal Conclussions

After finishing this project I take with me quite a few conclusions, specially in the leadership part. It was my first time in a role like that, and I have learned a lot about it. I have seen how hard is to manage a group of people with different backgrounds and skills, and I have seen how hard is to bring these people together and guide them towards a commmon goal. Also I have learned how time consuming can be to be the responsible that every milestone in the calendar is done, or how stresful can be to be the one that accepts or denies material that is going to be in the final game.

During the development, the moments where I struggled the most where two. The first one was everytime I had to put a 0 in another student, meanwhile the second was when I had to keep the team motivated besides the fact I was as amotivated as them. But thanks to all these experiences I think I have learned a lot on how to manage time and people, on how to handle responsability and on how to accept my blame when things inside the team doesn't work out. But the thing I have learned the most is how to treat with people and help them to be the most comfortable possible inside the team. Overall, the experience have been positive and I think if I had to do the same task again, I would do it way better.