StarGames - Adria Martin

Lead Programmer

As a leader programmer, I was in charge of the correct functioning of my team and the final results of the work related to programming of both the engine and the game.
My main responsibilities were:
- Distribute the work to be done by team members.
- Ensure that task are finish in time.
- Good quality of the final work.
- Help all team members with their problems.
- Decide what can be added or removed to improve the engine or the game.


My work has consisted of the implementation and maintenance of the base of the engine and the systems of physics and scripting. Base engine:


The motor interface. It contains all the windows that you can use in the engine. Simple and easy to use.


GameObjects & Components

The GameObjects are the basic elements that the scene contains. Thanks to the components we can customize them to create different elements such as the UI or objects that can be affected by physics.

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Prefabs are a very useful system to create custom GameObjects and that can be easily reused. Prefabs greatly improve the speed to create scenes.


Resource Management

It is very important to have control of all the assets of the game. You can view them easy and quick in the assets window.



To implement the physics system, I used the PhysX 3.4 library from Nvidia. This system is used mainly to detect collisions between objects in the scene and to trigger events during the gameplay



To implement the scripting system, I used the Mono library. This allows the programmers of the game to create scripts in C # language affecting the internal part (C ++).
