StarGames - Roger Busquets Duran


During the whole project I've been in charge of the whole audio design and integration for the game, always trying to be as loyal as posible to the Star Wars feel and to build a coherent sound landscape over the game. To do so, during the whole process I've been using Wwise as the sound engine.


My Job

Wwise sound engine undertanding and learning

To maximize the potential of Wwise I've acquired the required knowledge for audio sources, hierarchies, events, 3D audio positioning, audio sources custom attenuations, sounbank creation and management, format conversions, buses control, RTPC values, states, switches, interactive music ...


Interactive Music integration

In order to offer a more interesting and immersive gameplay music changes during the mission according to gameplay states. This was particulary difficult to do, since Star Wars songs were not composed for this purpose and we did not have the resources to records special tracks of the Star Wars songs arranged to be ready for interactive music. I've looked for songs with similar tempo and keys, edited them to be able to blend almost musically between them and followed the Horizontal interactive music approach to implement it in the game.


Sound Design

I've designed and created all the sound effects that appear in the game using Audacity as an editing tool and FreeSound and SoundSnap as sound databases. Some of the SFX can be controlled through RTPC values such us:

- Ships Engine SFX: According the speed of the ship volume,pitch and low pass filter values changes to give an "acceleration" sense

-Charge Laser SFX: The charging SFX varies its pitch according the charge percentatge of the weapon.


Sound Integration

Once Wwise Soundbanks were generated, using the Wwise support that our engine offered and using C# scripts I've programmed the desired audio behaviour for the game (event calls, RTPC values, states for interactive music, ...)

Audio Bug Fixing

When trying to implement the sound in the game whenever I encountered a bug I've tried to fix or report audio related bugs. I fixed interactive music issues with Wwise states as well as other bugs with Audio Source component (Unregistering Wwise sound objects, 3D positioning,...)



