Sergi Pérez

Lead Designer

As the Lead of the Design department, I've been responsible of organizing the Design Team in a way where everyone feels motivated to work on the game, and on something they like, whether they prefere to work on UI, or on the Level Design. As the Lead I have also been responsible of making sure that the quality of the work is great, and that the tasks are completed in time. I have also supported the other team members in their various departments.

Players Gameplay

I've worked on the design of the players gameplay. From the movement, to the shield management, I've been responsible of tweaking all the values so that the systems feel great and natural to the players. The most difficult aspect, has been the second player, there are not many co-op dogfighting games out there, so we haven't had much references for it. we got to a point where we almost removed it, but by adding more feedback, and refining a couple of systems, we've ended up having a good result.


Players UI

I've worked on most of the players UI until we reached Beta, where Guillem Arman has helped me with the cockpit, and its UI.

Player UI


Because I've worked on the Players Design, I've spent a lot of time tweaking values so that the gameplay feels great. There's been a lot of work specially on the movement, and damage values.
