Pau Olivé Rubio


As a member from the Design team, I have been assigned the task of creating an AI that suited the game in order to create the best fighting experience.

Design phase

To start the making of the Artificial Intelligence, I began with a design phase in order to set and ease the work for the future. I setted up what would be needed to create the expected behaviors - both code and art wise - and provided with references to simplify its understanding. From this phase many designs were eventually discarded but paved the way to get the best AI.

AI Basics

Once the design was set, I started to develop prototypes of what would later become the fully fleshed AI ships. Using our own middleware, I developed the basics behaviors:

  •   - Navigation
  •   - Targeting
  •   - Shooting
  •   - Obstacle Avoidance
  •   - Other (separation, boundaries, ...)


AI Combat Experience

Even though the basics were created, there was still job to do regarding the dogfight experience. As the person in charge, I added new features and tweaked the AI behaviors and decision making to achieve that goal.

  •   - Player Centered Movement
  •   - Player Distancing
  •   - Augmented Aggressiveness
  •   - Lowered Hit Prob.
  •   - Other (col. rescaling, re-targeting, ...)



As the last phase of the project, balancing of the AI values was mandatory to provide the most exciting combat.
