Gameplay Bases

Added a base for the logic system of the game:

  • -Score & Time: added an score system that rewarded or punished the player with some points. Also added a time counter needed for setting a gameplay time.

  • Score

  • -Basic Scripting: basic scripts for the basis of the game (Game Manager, Ship Properties, Spawners…)

  • -Hit Marker & Target Marker: the hit marker will appear every time the player hits a ship. He will also be able to target one ship to never lose it!

  • Score Time
  • -Prefabs Set Up: added the basic prefabs for each ship containing the basic functionalities for shooting and get shot.

  • TieFighter
  • -Laser: created functionality for the laser in order to subtract HP when hitting other ships and killing them once they are dead.

  • Laser
  • -Explosion System for Ships: added an universal script that could be used for any type of object in the game constructed with child pieces. It separates its parts with random linear and rotational velocity.

GamePad Management System

Added a management system for the UI elements to allow controller manipulation independently from the ID. The system works like the following:

  • 1. The canvas will contain a number for the current UI element selected.
  • 2. An ID and an order need to be set before pressing “Accept Controller” checkbox.
  • 3. From script, call the function ControllerIDUp() or ControllerIDDown() to move the cursor when pressing the button the user selected.

Engine Optimization

Re-worked the textures and materials resource manager when loading the engine.

Particle System

I was in charge of the particle system implementation and manteinence, the reason why I coded the entire system trying to implement the most necessary features:

  • Template System: the system is template based, that means the user can save a preset of a particle and use it later on from any part of the engine. That also ease the handling since you can send the template file to someone using TheCreator and just dragging the file in the folder of templates would be enough for the system to work.
  • Template
  • Emmision Type: the system will let you spawn a bunch of particles at once instead of being forced to lower the Emmision Rate to almost 0 and stopping the system later on. This looks perfect with explosions!
  • Simultaneos
  • Auto Pause System: the system is allowed to be paused automatically without the intervention of any coder, just setting a time limit will do the job.
  • AutoPause
  • General Characteristics: the system lets you modify the basic movements (emit rate, velocity, rotation) and interpolations.

  • How To Make Smoke in 30 seconds?

    For more information, in Subsystems section every part of the system is explained in detail. Here, we will show some example particles made with the system:
