Marc de Pedro

Hi! My name is Marc, and I was the artist in charge of all the UI for the cockpit of the Slave 1. That includes the radar, weapon selected, enemy target, bars, shield and puzzle.

First version

The first version of the cockpit UI included the radar, the weapon selected and the puzzle. It was my first time doing 2d art for a videogame so, as you can see in the image below, I didn't manage to get the Star Wars feeling.

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Second version

The UI that I created seemed a mobile application instead of a futuristic UI, so I decided to do the second round. This time I focused on doing a clearer and understandable UI. The second version included the new radar, new puzzle, the enemy target, shield position and shield warning.


In game

Here is a small GIF of the final result of the cockpit:


I also did small things like the HP and shield hit feedback (in the previous image you can see the shield hit), the target for the enemies, the main menu and the Ackbar animation that appears at the beginning of the game.

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Not in Game

All the UI that is in the final game is not the one that I wanted. I did more versions of the UI to be more clear and understandable but unfortunately it couldn't be all implemented in the game. The image below was the idea that I had doing the second version of the UI:
